For register members
Affiliate FAQ
How do I sign up?
Fill out the registration form on the Signup Page. Please read the terms and conditions carefully and mark "I agree" check box. Your account is now set up!
In case you have a site with us you do not need to signup. Just use your hosting account login and password to login to the affiliate program control panel.
When will I get paid?
Before commissions are paid your account must be over $100. Payments are sent out on the 16th every month. Your commission has to be more than 30 days old to qualify as valid. The payment will be sent using PayPal.
Do you have other payment options?
If you earn more than $500 per month in commissions. We can negotiate other payment method like wire transfer, etc. Please send us an email ( to have your payment options changed.
Can I use my commission towards web hosting fees?
Yes, you can use your commission towards web hosting fees or upgrades.
How do I track my sales activity?
Sales activity such as the number of clickthroughs, conversions and the account status can be tracked through the affiliate program summary and the in-depth stats area of your account.
Do you provide the links and banners?
We provide a selection of links and banners in several colors, designs and sizes as well as text and editorial for you to use throughout your site.
Will I get help in signing up if I need it?
Please feel free to go to the support section of our site and submit a trouble ticket in order to get support. For payment enquiries contact
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